Last updated: June 16, 2024
For information on how to become an ACF member, see the About page.
ACF’s officers also serve as ACF’s board of directors.
Officer | Position | Contact |
JinAh Kim | President | |
Sophie Torres | Communications | |
Eric Mukherjee | Editor-in-Chief | |
Kevin Jiang | Site Coordinator | |
Zac Bennett | ACF Nationals Tournament Director | |
John Nienajadlo | Treasurer | |
Rahul Keyal | Webmaster | |
Head editors
Head editor | Tournament | Contact |
Alexandra Hardwick | 2024 ACF Fall | |
Christopher Sims | 2024 ACF Winter | |
Ani Perumalla and Jeremy Cummings | 2025 ACF Regionals | |
John Lawrence | 2025 ACF Nationals | |
Other contacts
Position | Member(s) | Contact |
ACF Nationals Staffing | ACF Nationals TD | |
Eligibility Committee | Editor-in-Chief, ACF Head editors | |
Misconduct Representatives | Ganon Evans, Caroline Mao | |
Full members
Full members can vote in all ACF elections and on all constitutional amendments.
Name | Affiliation | Contributions |
Ethan Ashbrook |
Zac Bennett |
Matt Bollinger |
Jordan Brownstein |
Rob Carson |
Raymond Chen |
Alex Damisch |
Jordan Davidsen |
Justin Duffy |
Jacob Egol |
Stephen Eltinge |
Ganon Evans |
William Golden |
Alexandra Hardwick |
Andrew Hart |
Taylor Harvey |
Nick Jensen |
Kevin Jiang |
Hasna Karim |
Michael Kearney |
Rahul Keyal |
JinAh Kim |
Joseph Krol |
John Lawrence |
Allan Lee |
Katherine Lei |
Ophir Lifshitz |
Steven Liu |
Caroline Mao |
Tim Morrison |
Eric Mukherjee |
Arjun Nageswaran |
Will Nediger |
John Nienajadlo |
Theresa Nyowheoma |
Hari Parameswaran |
Grant Peet |
Nitin Rao |
Graham Reid |
Ryan Rosenberg |
Eleanor Settle |
Bryanna Shao |
Adam Silverman |
Christopher Sims |
Bernadette Spencer |
Ned Tagtmeier |
Cody Voight |
Chandler West |
Harry White |
Annabelle Yang |
Provisional members
Provisional members are community members who have ably assisted ACF in the past and, if they do so again in the future, may be invited to apply for full membership.
Name | Affiliation | Contributions |
Tomás Aguilar-Fraga |
Will Alston |
Sameer Apte |
Henry Atkins |
Eric Chang |
Benjamin Chapman |
Ophelia Cherry-Pulay |
Rachel Ezrielev |
Sean Farrell |
Eve Fleisig |
Halle Friedman |
Jeffrey Fung |
Shourjo Ganguli |
Henry Goff |
Jason Golfinos |
Karan Gurazada |
Natan Holtzman | Stanford University |
Justin Jasperse |
Aseem Keyal |
Evan Knox |
Matthew Lehmann |
Sky Li |
Angela Lin |
Daniel Ma |
Mitch McCullar |
Jack Mehr |
Joel Miles |
Aum Mundhe |
Kevin Park |
Richard Niu |
Ani Perumalla |
Andrew Rout |
Ryan Ritter |
Munir Siddiqui |
Ethan Strombeck |
Sophie Torres |
Eva Wang |
James Wang |
Kevin Wang |
Ben Weiner |
Maxwell Ye |
Walter Zhang |
Emeritus members
Emeritus members are former ACF full members who have decided to take a step back from active involvement in ACF.
Name | Affiliation | Contributions |
Evan Adams |
Bruce Arthur |
Zeke Berdichevsky |
Billy Busse |
Will Butler |
Tommy Casalaspi |
Trevor Davis |
Andrew Feist |
Susan Ferrari |
Carsten Gehring |
Ted Gioia |
David Hamilton |
Will Holub-Moorman |
Jeff Hoppes |
Matt Jackson |
Dennis Jang |
Gaurav Kandlikar |
Gautam Kandlikar |
Matt Keller |
Eddie Kim |
Matt Lafer |
Paul Litvak |
Stephen Liu |
Bruce Lou |
Sam Luongo |
Evan Lynch |
Subash Maddipoti |
Jonathan Magin |
Wesley Matthews |
Trygve Meade |
Ben Miller |
Jason Paik |
Jonathan Pinyan | Alumnus, Washington University in St. Louis |
Chris Ray |
Matt Reece |
Max Schindler |
Mike Sorice |
Guy Tabachnick |
Margaret Tebbe |
Seth Teitler |
Jerry Vinokurov |
Andrew Wang |
Nathan Weiser |
Ryan Westbrook |
Dwight Wynne |
Andrew Yaphe |
Jennie Yang |
Richard Yu |