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The ACF Nostradamus Prognosticates

The ACF Nostradamus steps forward once again to disclose to you, gentle reader, the outcome of the six ACF Regional tournaments. He is like Zeus as he holds aloft the scales of Fate -- the winners' plates sink down, and the losers' kick up high, sealing their doom. Who can speak so forthrightly as the ACF Nostradamus? No one. Who is so eloquent? Nary a soul. Who dares to contradict his sooth? If any, let him stand forth and show himself, that the world may see his folly.

More than that, let him pick against the spreads herein revealed. The prognosticator with the best record will receive a copy of Webster's Dictionary of American Authors from me at ACF Nationals, along with all my Flash'Em lists.

But enough vaunting. Here's how the chips will fall:


This region has long been the ACF Nostradamus' prize prediction; year in and year out, he has picked Maryland against Virginia, and Maryland has prevailed despite the two teams being basically even. This year, things will not be so close. 'Tis true, David Hamilton will cease for a few days to bestride the world like a colossus, but it makes no difference. Maryland over Virginia by 2 games in a double round-robin. Maryland will win both games by 150; Virginia will beat Swarthmore by 100 in each of their two games, and Swarthmore will finish 3rd.

Top 3 all-stars: John Kenney, Ed Cohn, and Julie Singer.


The Texas squad squeaked past Arkansas at NAQT, but the margin won't be so close at ACF. Mike Wehrman is the best in the Southwest, but three of the other top 5 seem to be playing for Texas. The ACF Nostradamus imagines another double round-robin or perhaps a smaller playoff RR. Therefore, Texas by 100 over the Iron Mike's Arkansas team in the first game, and by 80 in the second game. Arkansas over Oklahoma by 150 in both their games. (Not to be Maryland-centric, but will Ram Kannapan be playing on Texas' first-string ACF squad? I noticed he was on the B team at NAQT. Ram, let me remind people, is undefeated against John Sheahan.)

Top 3 all-stars: Arkansas' Mike Wehrman, Oklahoma's David Smith, and Texas' Eric Smith.


There is no question, of course, of anyone beating Chicago A. Andrew's ACF virtuosity is unrivalled. The question is, can Michigan beat Illinois for second? The ACF Nostradamus thinks not! Chicago over Michigan by 150, and Michigan over Illinois by 100.

Top 3 all-stars: some guy named Andrew, Iowa's Robert Trent, and Quincy's Subash Maddipoti.


The ACF Nostradamus notes that a certain idiot named Matt Colvin had a pretty big head going into NAQT Sectionals, and that he got his ass spanked by Princeton B, Penn, and Dartmouth. However, the Nostradamus also notes that this same Matt Colvin is going to get his act together for ACF. Well, almost. Guy Jordan's Harvard team over Cornell by 50; Matt and Prasun will manage to nip Harvard's B team by 30 for second place. Harvard B will fend off Columbia for third.

Top 3 all-stars: Guy Jordan of Harvard, some fool from Cornell, and Bill Atkinson of Columbia.


One would have to be a fool to pick against South Carolina here. The ACF Nostradamus is no fool. Still, if TC "Best Yogurt" Ford and Adam "Are you being served?" Humphreys are ACF's nWo, then Jason King is Hollywood Hogan. South Carolina will lose to Georgia by 20, but finish ahead of them in record. Kentucky will be third, losing to Georgia by 90. Note, however, that the ACF Nostradamus' crystal ball is quite foggy when he turns it toward Atlanta. He would not be surprised to see some other order of finish.

Top 3 All-stars: Jason King, TC Ford, and Georgia Tech's Hing Chan.


Stung by picking Berkeley over Stanford for NAQT, the ACF Nostradamus has learned his lesson. Stanford over Berkeley by 125 on average; Berkeley over Stanford B by 200 for second.

Top 3 All-stars: Jason Hong seems to be running this thing, so I'll pick Steve Lin of Berkeley, Adam Kemezis of Stanford, and Patrick of UCLA.

Matt will be back next month. I bet you can't wait!

Want to contribute a column to the ACF web page, if only so that Matt won't be able to spout his views next month? Send it to Matt Colvin. Submissions will be judged on style and subject matter, not on politics or opinions. We reserve the right to present a companion article as a counterpoint.

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